Thursday, December 15, 2016

KIPP - Preparing for the Holidays (cont.), December 2016

December Hours - 6
Total Semester Hours - 34

Our first week back after the Thanksgiving break and we were back to making a "replacement” Christmas tree. Apparently, a child had thrown a tantrum in the hallway and decided to take his/her frustrating out on one of our elegant Christmas trees. Once again, I implemented the “Right-Triangle” method to produce a new Christmas three; it came out great, of course.

We set out to deliver supplies to the various classrooms. We used ‘The Checklist’ indicating what supplies each classroom was supposed to receive to make the appropriate deliveries. Classes got some arrangement of tissue boxes, glue sticks, pencils, Lysol wipes, and large paper canvases.

As we made our way through the halls, it was nice seeing the Christmas trees we had produced last month. The trees were decorated with “ornaments” that had the names of the students. It appears the trees had served their purpose.

As we visited each classroom it was interesting to see how the personality of each classroom was different. Some classes were very high energy, while others had children sitting quietly reading, and yet others were snoozing away during Nap time. The teachers were incredibly friendly as we entered the classrooms, and very appreciative to have their supplies restocked.

During a later visit at KIPP we again assisted in alphabetizing and filing documents in the student folders. It’s always a nice experience to work in the filing office, as we are accompanied by one of the KIPP administrators, Danielle. She is very pleasant and we also engage into conversations regarding pop culture, good movies, and fun things to do in New Orleans.

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